I am a psychiatrist (BM BCh MRCPsych) neuroscientist (PhD), with interests in cognitive science, cognitive & computational neuroscience, AI, and mental health. I use functional brain imaging and computational modelling to better understand how brain activity relates to cognition in health and disease.
I studied Medicine, Neuroscience and Philosophy at The University of Oxford (2006 – 12). I subsequently combined postgraduate medical training with clinical neuroscience research, focusing on the role of dopamine in decision-making and memory, and the pathophysiology of psychotic disorders. I conducted this work first as an Academic Foundation Doctor (Oxford, 2012 -14), and later as an Clinical Research Fellow in Neuroimaging (MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, 2015 – 16) and an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry (King’s College London, 2016 – 18).
In 2018 I was awarded a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Fellowship to conduct a PhD in Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at University College London (2018 – 22), under the supervision of Prof Ray Dolan (UCL) and Prof Zeb Kurth-Nelson (DeepMind). Here, I used functional neuroimaging, multivariate neural decoding and computational modelling to investigate how the brain forms rich representations (internal models, or ‘cognitive maps’) of the environment, which allow us to infer relationships between events and predict likely future outcomes.
In 2022 I was awarded an NIHR Clinical Lectureship in Psychiatry at The University of Oxford (US equivalent: Assistant Professor).
Here you can read about my research and explore my code.
If you want more information, do not hesitate to be in contact.